FAQ Category: Budget

I can’t afford to buy new furniture or art. Will your services still be useful?

I can’t afford to buy new furniture or art. Will your services still be useful?

Yes! I love working with what people already have. I can also map out a future plan for you to implement as you go. I also frequently work with clients who prefer to buy used items for various reasons and I love sourcing good deals. 

How does billing work?

How does billing work?

I will send you an invoice either at the end of the project, or every few weeks. I’ll also ask if you’d like your receipts and either drop them off or mail them to you. Email money transfer is my preferred method of payment, and […]

What is the minimum amount required to get started?

What is the minimum amount required to get started?

My DIY consults offer options to work with what you have, suggestions for future purchases or improvements, and my personal availability for follow up questions as you go. This service starts at $200 and if you decide you’d like more help in the future, we can book hourly services as needed. If you’re looking for hourly help for shopping etc, my minimum charge is $150, or 5 hours. We can do a LOT in a small amount of time, and making some progress usually inspires clients and gives them momentum if they’ve been feeling stuck.
Can you give me an exact quote up front?

Can you give me an exact quote up front?

To ensure you get the best possible value, I do not generally offer exact quotes. I can give you a good ballpark number, we can discuss the cost of previous similar projects, and I will always respect your budget. If we write a number in stone […]